Looking cool in the kitchen! -- This navy blue apron is 100% cotton twill with soil-release finish for added stain protection, two waist-level patch pockets, pen pocket, 1-inch wide neck and waist ties, and an adjustable neck strap
Apron Measures: 22"w x 30"l
Volume Discount Pricing
Qty 1-9: $16.00 each
Qty 10-24: $14.50 each
Qty 20+ - $12.50 each
Looking cool in the kitchen! -- This navy blue apron is 100% cotton twill with soil-release finish for added stain protection, two waist-level patch pockets, pen pocket, 1-inch wide neck and waist ties, and an adjustable neck strap
Apron Measures: 22"w x 30"l
Volume Discount Pricing
Qty 1-9: $16.00 each
Qty 10-24: $14.50 each
Qty 20+ - $12.50 each